Wednesday, 2 April 2008


SenadeeBeing a big fan of anything to do with Trance/Electro/House etc, I've been following major releases recently and something in particular caught my ear on ASOT (A show presented byArmin Van Buuren who is, arguably, the biggest DJ around) a few months back.

After a few enquiries, I learnt the track in question was called 'Say The Word' on a label called flux delux... The song is actually a sample of a guitar/indie/rock tune called 'My Fault'. The artist goes by the name of Senadee. Now, being the curious type, I googled the singer and stumbled across his myspace page.

I have to say, it was 'pleasantly weird' to hear the original in it's actual intended version, but after a few listens, I'm actually in love with the song. It's pretty awesome and Senadee's vocals are just stunning!

Anyways, just thought I'd put the word out there, obviously working in the industry, it's my job to prop upcoming artists, and in my opinion very few are more deserving of attention than this guy!!! Check him out on

Review excerpt from

"....Onto this release and the inclusion of the workings of 'Senadee' is a refreshing change for a label that is hesitant to say the least about vocal tracks. However on first listen the original grabs you with it's vocal that sways around causing the record to take on a whole different feel to anything previous. With the uber tight arrangement, production and melodies of Mr Gold and the very obvious talent of Senadee the original is a rip roarer of a vocal destroyer that is being battered all over the shop I'm sure..." 9/10

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